Friday 21 April 2017


Start off by creating a new document ,1280 by 720 pixels. See Image below

Set the foreground color to #9e6945 and background color to #5e3f2b. see Images below.
Pick the gradient tool,choose foreground to background and set the  type to radial.Draw out a vertical gradient from top to bottom at the center of the document.See Image Below.
Pick the rectangle tool and draw a rectangle from the left edge of the document the height of the document and fill it with black.See image Below.
Choose View menu and turn on Snap.Press and Hold Alt key on your keyboard and create duplicates to fill the document.Each Plank should snap well the the next .See image Below.
Select One of the layers,and double click to launch layer styles dialog box.On the blending options,reduce the Fill opacity to 0% so that we can see through it.See the image Below.

To give our Wood plank depth,Check Bevel and Emboss,let the :
style  :Inner.
Technique :Smooth
size :8
Turn off Global light
set the Angle to:0 degrees
Altitude :50
Highlight color :white
Blend mode:overlay
shadow mode:Overlay
Opacity:50%...... See Image below

Check Drop Shadow,and Set the following properties.
Blend mode:Soft Light
Turn off Global Light
Angle:0 Degrees
Size:5.....See Image Below.

click OK.
Right Click on the stylized Layer and choose Copy Layer Style.Select all the other Layers  and Right Click On one of them ,choose Paste Layer Style.All Planks should have the same Style effect.See Image Below.

Merge all existing layer and add anew layer,fill it with white.See Image Below

Choose Filter>>Noise>>Add Noise.set the amount to 40% ,Guassian and monochromatic for distribution .See Image Below

Add another filter.Filter>>Blur>>Motion>>.angle 90 degrees,Distance 999.see image Below

Ctrl +F to repeat the filter 3 fill in the motion Blur at the center.

Choose Filter>>Sketch>>Chrome.put 5 for detail and 10 for smoothness.You can try different values to your liking.See Image Below.

Your resulting image should look like the following image.

Change the blend mode to color Burn.Try out different blend modes to see the result.I liked the color burn better.See image Below.

Resulting image.

Wednesday 19 April 2017


Create a blank document,enter the details  in the image below .then click OK.

Then,Choose Edit Menu>>Fill>>50% Gray.See Image Below.

Then,choose Filter  Menu>>Render >>Fiber .set the values in the image below.(feel free to set the values of your linking,you can also opt to click the randomize button several times to see what you like)

The result looks more woody and not fabric like so,To actually create curtain folds we need to add a motion filter blur.Choose Filter Menu>>Blur>>Motion.Make sure your angle is 90/-90 to have folds run vertically. enter 538 for distance.See Image Below.

To separate the folds and make it more silky and smooth,we need the help of Gaussian blur.Choose  Filter>>Blur>>Gaussian Blur.I worked with 0.7 radius ,you can try out different amount.See Image Below.

To apply color,choose Image >>Adjustments>>Hue and Saturation.Check colorize,increase the saturation to 95% and reduce lightness to -50.See Image Below.

Choose Image>>Adjustments>>Levels.Enter 9 for inputs(blacks), 1.12 for mid-tones (grays) and 239 for outputs (whites).See Image Below

This should be your resulting image,yours might even be better!

Thursday 6 April 2017


This is rather an intermediate tutorial. You need to know your way around adobe illustrator CS6 /CC interface.Should take you at most 1 Hour to complete.I recommend that you make notes as you progress.

The following panels are important.
layers panel,swatches,transparency,Brush and Image trace

STEP 1: Creating a single edible Piece of the orange

Create a new blank document .Choose view>>hide art-boards  to hide all destructive backgrounds.
Pick the polygon tool, from the tools panel,click on your Art board make sure faces is 3.On control panel,choose transform ,make it 2 in width and 3 in Height.

Remove the stroke and fill it with R=252,G=161,B=0.On your layers panel rename the path layer as orangecolor See image Below.

Now ,lets make our triangle have some rounded corners.Choose effect>>stylize>>round corners.Set the radius to 0.5 click OK.See Image Below.

With the shape still selected,choose Object>>Expand Appearance .With the shape still selected,Choose Edit>>Copy(CTRL + C) to copy,and back to Edit>>paste in front(CTRL+ F) to paste in front..You should now have to identical shapes stacked on each other.You can see it better on your layers panel.Select the top layer and rename it to Stainedglass. See Image Below.

With Stainedglass selected,Fill it with white, R=255,G=255,B=255 then,Choose Effect>>Texture>>Stained Glass. Enter the values  you see in the image below.(I recommend you slide to increase and decrease the amount in cell size and border thickness to see the change in the preview).

Click Ok,,Choose Edit >>Expand Appearance.See the image Below.

To reveal the cell color(which is the initial color of the orangecolor shape). we will need to hide the white (ignore) white color of the cell.To do this,we need to trace the image.,Choose window>>Image Trace panel. Choose 16 colors on presets(give it a minute to render),expand advanced options and check ignore whites(it will render again) your result should look like the image below.

Finally choose Object>>Expand.Ensure Object and Fill is selected.See image Below.

With the same selection,change the Fill color from black to white.Then chose Object>> Ungroup two or three times until the objects are not grouped anymore.

Choose Object>>Path>>Simplify.Set curve precision to 85% click OK. 

Choose window>>Transparency and set the opacity to 70% then choose Effect>>Blur>>Gaussian set the Radius 4.5 .Click OK. See Image Below.

Select all the shapes Choose >>Object>>Group.See image Below.

We now have the first piece if the orange fresh!

STEP 2: Creating the other pieces of the orange.

Pick the rotate tool from the tools panel. and click on the image.See the image below.

Still using the Rotate tool, Press and hold Alt Key and click slightly above the tip of the shape (this help us define our center.From the resulting dialog box,set the angle value to 40See image Below.

When you click Copy,you will end up with two pieces .See Image Below.

To replicate the other pieces,all you need to do is Press CTRL +D  Seven times to complete the whole orange fresh.See Image Below.

To loose the straightness of the slices,select two slices as illustrated below,Pick the Pucker Tool and double click on it and enter the values you see in the image below.

The point here is to click in between the white gap of the two selected slices with an intention to slightly distort the paths without loosing the general appearance to the slices.Repeat this process with all the shapes.Your result should somehow look like the image below or even better!

STEP 3: creating the inner circular layer part of the orange.

Pick an ellipse too and draw it above the slices preferably 6 by 6 inches.set fill to non and outline black . See Image Below

We will then draw multiple small ellipses,fill them with a bright and dark orange color.Show brushes panel,select the ellipses and drag to brushes panel ,select pattern and click Ok .Ok ,s as shown below.

After saving it as a patter brush,you can now paint over the outline of the ellipse,reduce it size if necessary and reduce the transparency opacity to around 15% to make it vivid.See image below.

Draw another ellipse slightly larger  7  by 7 inches ,choose Object>>Arrange>>Send to Back.Remove the Stroke and fill it with a Radial  Gradient,to  show gradient panel,choose window>>gradient).The following are the color coordinate arrangement order from left to right of gradient fill.

Position 0% -      R=255 , G=255 ,B=255.
Position 45%-      R=255, G=254, B=244.
Position 80.15%-  R=253,G=248, B=195.
Position 94.18%-  R=252,G=241, B=115.
Position 100%-     R=245,G=130, B=32.

Your results should look like this or close

STEP 4: Creating the Skin of the Orange

Select all and choose Object>>Group to group all objects.On control bar,Choose Transform and change only the width  to 6.2.

Pick an ellipse tool and draw an ellipse width,6.2 and height 7 inches,Fill it with R=249,G=161,B=27 with no stroke.See Image Below.
Pick a Rectangle tool ,and draw a rectangle vertically intersecting the ellipse and select the two shapes.See Image Below.

Choose Window >>Pathfinder to launch the panel.Choose Minus front under shape modes to remain with half an ellipse.See Image Below.

Choose Edit>>Copy then Edit>>Paste front and Fill it with Black. See image below.

Then choose Effect >>Artistic >>Sponge.set the values to;
Brush size: 9, 
Definition :16, 
Smoothness :6,

Choose Effect>>Artistic>>Plastic Wrap set the values to;
Highlights strength:20
Note:(with the shape still selected,you can edit the actual effects(sponge and plastic wrap) with the help of Appearance panel found window>>Appearance ).

Show Transparency panel from window menu and change the blend mode to Soft Light.See Image below

Group the to ellipses.and position it on on the orange as shown below.

Choose Object>>Arrange >>Send to Back and scale it down to hide the top and bottom edges,drag it slightly to the right to reveal a potion of it and group everything .The image below is rotated to -6.21 degrees.

Final image.